Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Did you know today was Wayne Thiebaud Day?

Seem like everywhere I went today, people were bringing up Mr. Thiebaud. He was already on the brain because I want the lid of my coffee cup to be raised from the painting ground like a frosted pie in a Thiebaud painting. At some point, Russel brought him up, and then in Figure Painting, Sarah mentioned the bright lines of color that he tends to put right on the contour edges of figures that make them appear to shift.

I couldn't really recall of Thiebaud painting with a figure in it, apart from that one of a man sitting from behind. So I ran the library and yanked a book. You can see it on her inner thighs in that piece. I like his figures but I think his faces tend to come out mask-like. There's not a lot of life in the faces. They're pieces of pie, the face is frosting.

Meanwhile...I love this one. Minimalist bathtub with a little cranium just poppin out to the left.


  1. I am curious about people's interpretation of Thiebaud's figure paintings. Have you read any good articles about them? I can't seem to find any.

  2. i really like the use of line as it creats pattern and a bold/solid look especially the the one of the women in the bath is my favourite because it is good using the little use of line as possible (minamilsm) :) x
