Sunday, July 25, 2010

I painted!

I've had this weird stigma lately about not painting because I feel that if I do, I really should be working on my commissions, which of course hold no interest for me.

I got over it.

I missed this.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

More truth

I still think perceived intentions are often defined by your characteristics rather than facts. Often unfairly.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pretty in Pink

In truth, the universe throws events of colossal irony your way all the time, and all you can do is laugh and accept it. Stand against it, and you'll be nothing but miserable.

Plus, what would we have to whine about if these things didn't happen?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I refuse to be a ghost-town

I'm currently sitting in the Cordova Cafe, stealing internet and people watching. (Flagler Internet decided to die sometime this morning. bastards). Anyway, sitting here, I've notice that this selection of st. Augustine tourists is exhorbently lumpy. If they arent stubby or pounchy, they're round-shouldered and fuzzy-eyed. Maybe it's the effect of heat? Or the general unrest of being a tourist? There's some issue over the 24 hour braised lamb here at the Cafe. "Luis" is all excited about it, but the authoritative woman in the pearl choker and printed chiffon seems unimpressed.

Stop looking at me, toothy man in the "U.S.S. John F. Kennedy" hat. >.> (evidently he doesnt know what "Al dente" means).

Anyway, the new job is going well. Jo said she might bring me over to the new shop with her. I will therefore be working at the Red Pineapple rather than Dragonflies, at whichever point the Red Pineapple comes into existance. Though the building move isn't a big deal. I just enjoy being thought necessary. Important in the move, like the loyal family dog. (I'm only being mildly facetious here, as I was honestly flattered).
I like the new lady. Miss Mary Anne. There's supposed to be some seasonal flagler girl starting named "Olivia." I don't know anyone by that name but we'll see. And how long is "seasonal" at a little place like Dragonflies? July is supposed to be our busy month.

i do enjoy the handful of tall elf-like people that have popped in. Good job being 8 feet tall.