Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29th.

I will probably have the song "Be Italian" from the movie Nine, in my head for next few days. It was probably the only redeeming factor of that movie.

I have come to realize that my job pushing sales at FYE requires me to flirt with any and everyone. Seduction and smiles to land a discount card or a magazine subscription that will inevitably pull money right out of the hands of the few that find themselves caught. I'm glad it's almost over. I forgot how degrading the whole process can be. Sure, selling people things that could benefit them would be worthwhile, but tricking them into things they don't, really feels wrong.

My puppy -my ten year old dog- had surgery on her ear again. She was supposed to stay over at the vet's for the night but they called and asked us to pick her up because she was so anxious. I can hear her right now. She's whining and moping and only seems to stop when I'm holding her. I have to be up in five hours, I can't do that all night. :/ poor kid.

I'll post some images soon. My scanner has been acting all funny latley. It crops in oddly and tends to slant the picture. I may have dropped it too many times.

Music would be a nice addition to my blog, but when looking up how to add it, the task seems daunting. Russell, what does Breanne use for hers?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

There's always chocolate stuck in their teeth.

John Denver for some reason reminds me of Stephen King.
why is this?

I think my transition from Inglorious Basterds to the Sound of Music was flawless.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

All about the Numbers

I am very excited for the day when I will no longer have to join a quarter, nickel, and penny together to make change for a customer buying one 9.99 cd, 10.69 with tax, to make thirty one cents.

Meanwhile, I feel that every adult needs to take their mother/father/grandmother/grandfather/aunt/uncle aside, and let them know that checks are really no longer an acceptable form of currency. It's irritating and primitive, get them a damn check card.


this may be proof that I need professional help. oh well.

Monday, December 21, 2009

And this is what it would look like.

minus the icky yellow button-up.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Loren's Paintings and Drawings

Loren sent these to me (well, i guess now it was yesterday). He said that he appreciated that I always pester him about what he's working on when I run into him. And I guess on a whim he decided to share. I think they deserve to be seen. Given, I think the only other person who looks at this blog is Russell, but hey, I got to one more person. Loren told me once that his art is the result of Mondrian's work, if Phillip Guston put his foot through it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

To bury one's bird-like head.

ostrich, common name for a large flightless bird (Struthio camelus) of Africa and parts of SW Asia, allied to the rhea, the emu and the extinct moa. It is the largest of living birds; some males reach a height of 8 ft (244 cm) and weigh from 200 to 300 lb (90–135 kg). The ostrich runs at great speed with wings outspread. The inner of the two toes on each foot is much the larger and bears most of the bird's weight. The ostrich kicks when angered and can inflict serious injury. In both sexes the head, neck, and thighs are bare or scantily feathered. The male is glossy black with beautiful long white plumes on the wings and tail. The female is a dull grayish brown. Usually the polygamous male has from two to six females in his flock. The cock scoops out a hollow for the eggs, which weigh nearly 3 lb (1.35 kg) each. One of the females incubates the eggs during the day, and the cock takes over at night. During the 19th-century vogue for ostrich plumes, farms were established in South Africa and later in North America, Australia, and Europe; after World War I fashions changed and the industry collapsed. Ostriches are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Aves, order Struthioniformes, family Struthionidae.
hich lay 15–60 eggs in a communal nest scraped in the ground. The male sits at night; the females take turns by day. One-month-old chicks can run with adults, at 40 mph (65 km/hr). To escape detection, an ostrich may lie on the ground with its neck outstretched, a habit that may have given rise to the notion that ostriches bury their heads in the sand.
hides head, thinking itself concealed. [Animal Symbolism: Brewer Dictionary, 788]

Except, they don't. It's a fallacy.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Poor Azazel.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Billy Crystal

While watching "When Harry met Sally," I realized that Billy Crystal has a really pleasing profile. Everything is represented well. Maybe I just like that he has lips like mine. Whatever.

I made his nose too prominent.

Urban Dictionary was made for little white girls.

Sunday morning, during a PINK pantie brand-guide, I sat on the floor with five of my co-workers, sizing, lining up, and ordering panties made mostly for teenage girls. I was mostly quiet all morning, (this happens when you're up before the sun). A new guy, Nate says "Hey Kat, You like my swagger?" My brow furrowed and I looked at the floor, trying to use my deductive reasoning as to what exactly "swagger" was. I decided that whatever it was, I didn't want it. I replied with, "I'm good, thanks." I think he hates me now. I've decided that that was a poor response.

I looked up swagger later.

Meanwhile, I met a girl who claims that the ghost of Kurt Cobain lives in her shower.


I just found out that my grandfather and my evil cat, Patches, were/are both Scorpios. I feel this explains everything.
Goddamn Scorpios.

Friday, December 11, 2009

"Love and Marriage, goes together like a horse and carriage..."

My grandmother decided that we should go out for a late lunch before I go to work, since we're going miss our usually friday night pizza-eating movie-watching experience. This week was my grandfather's funeral and.. we had just watched "When Harry met Sally," which i had never seen. So, when we're sitting there in chilly sleepy silence, waiting for our calzones to be delivered, I asked her how she met my grandfather. She was a nurse in the hospital where he had surgery for a severely dislocated shoulder. He asked for her phone number. She told him that she didn't give her number out to patients. He returned a week later to visit when his brother was having a hernia operation. He asked again and said, "I'm not a patient anymore, now I'm a visitor." I think she caves easily.

As the conversation progressed, i found out that my grandparents got married when she was 21. As did her older sister Kathleen. 21. We talked about my parents. My mom wanted to get married at 22, but circumstances kept them from tying the knot until she was 23. Both of my aunts are spinsters that got their hands on kids without finding the husband figure, so they will be excluded from this.

I said, "Geez, Grandma... 21? I'm 19. I know this is partially a generational thing, and social expectations have changed so that seems really early to me... but damn, I have two years?"
She explained that it's different because I'm going to be school for several years and then grad school. She already had her nursing requirements done by the time she was my age. But her explanation wasn't to tell me that getting married wasn't important or expected, it just means that I get extra time. Not to say that I am opposed to joining into that time honored tradition that everyone seems to be obsessed with, I just don't consider it very often. I have a hard time finding people of the opposite sex, particularly of my age, that are worth speaking to at all. And older people that have some wisdom and interest to offer tend to be married, unusual in expressing feelings, entirely repressed, scared, or completely opposed to becoming attached to someone younger than them due to their own idea of social barriers.

But it's expected that I will find someone near my own age, settle down somewhere and pop out my necessary 2.5 kids. And I have a whole line of women setting the bar for me, going back generations and generations.


Do shampoo and conditioner have an expiration date?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Movie Reminder, two days ago.

Cutest thing ever: Loren Myhre, pink cheeked and glassy eyed from alcohol.


line. crossed.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Sorry for the lack of imagery this weekend, I've been away from my scanner. But here is the news:

-I woke up and imagined that I saw aliens lined up against the wall in my room. scared the crap out of me.

-I am entirely sufficient at hanging bras on cheap plastic hangers.

-Fried eggs are almost the best thing ever. Almost.

-Black Sheep

-My old job is going to pay me $9.00 an hour when I come back for Christmas.

-Store Meeting, corporate expectations. Responses are rambles, far off target.

-I have an art history test in 14 hours.. and I'm not even really sure what's on it.

-My dad is winning his football pool.

- Blindside was a very good movie, though it steers clear of the really dark uncomfortable issues and instead focuses on football and being from Tennessee.

-My acquaintances are dropping like flies. Be careful.

-I will be photographing the BFA show for the school. I need to remember how to use a digital SLR.

-I want to draw A LOT more.

-I still want to see a parade, Russell.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Quality Individuals:

I re-met a guy last night that is a friend of Emerald's boyfriend. He's been living in New York for the past 26 years, which is his collective age. Evidently he used to be the head of a Wiccan Coven up there, but he passed the role on when he came down here a month ago. He's now sleeping in Cal Colgan's office room is his house. This person "James" or as he told people who did not already know him, "Spyke." He aspires to gain employment as a fast food estabilishment here in St. A. as soon as the college kids depart for Christmas. He has worked at Wendy's, McDonalds, and Burger King and informed me of the pros and cons of working at each. Lets just say, don't eat the chili at Wendy's... With five years of fast food experience, he's a shoo-in for any position. Moving on to the real reason he caught my attention. Instead of doing as drunk guys in the company of drunk girls would do, which is ass-grabbing and soliciting without any real vocal exchange. James claimed that he was a "Gentleman." And that he would never do anything without first asking the drunk girl in question. The first example was my horrifically drunk friend Sara, whom I have never seen wasted to that extent. I look up and I just see his hand go down and an squeeze her butt. My immediate reaction was to scream "Sara!" across the porch and then make her come over and sit next to me. This sadly also brought James over, who continued to tell us both that we have very soft looking lips that he would love to test how soft they were if we wouldn't mind. And then continued further to tell me that from the night he met me in the studio he wanted to take me home. Though, not necessarily to do scary things, just because he would love to spend time with me.

He looks like skeezy Jesus, no imagery required.

The corruption of the term "Gentleman" through the ages is an excruciating failure. We're not even in the same ballpark.

There was no parade to watch this morning. :(

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Concubines of Virtue.

Don't know why I keep posting old stuff. It's like airing dirty laundry.